As stated in my last post, after work last Friday, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a week's worth of groceries. It actually only took me a little over an hour, which wasn't too bad since I really don't do it very often and not real sure where most things are. I happened to find everything on the list too (without calling my wife with a cell phone!!) . :-) After getting the groceries, there is a little pizza shop next door that sells hot and fresh large pepperoni (or cheese) pizzas for $5, so I stopped by and picked one up for dinner. Made some extra brownie points with my wife that evening. :-) We then made a fire in the fireplace and watched some of the Olympics.
Saturday, I had to go pick up my son at his friend's house where he spent the night, came home, ate lunch, and then headed out to my son's last regular season basketball game (they have a end-of-the-season tourney this weekend to finish everything up). It was so cold on Saturday, I just didn't really do a whole lot except keep the fire going. :-) I did get a call from work about a problem which took up about 2 hours of my time (right when my local college b-ball team was playing - but they got blown away so it didn't really matter...).
Sunday was the normal church day. One of my son's friends came home with us to spend the afternoon then we took him back to church that evening.
Monday was a holiday for me and my son (Presidents' Day), so we all went to the mall in the morning and I bought me some new work shoes. We came home, ate lunch and then my son and I went to see the tax guy as I had an appointment with him to get my taxes prepared. Afterwards, my son and I stopped by Wal-Mart to look at video games/movies/toys. :-) After we got back home, we started work on the next episode of our Lego Star Wars trilogy. We got the voice work recorded and some of the opening title stuff done. The real hard work will be in the set building and filming though...
Had to come back to work today and tonight I have a church board meeting to attend. This coming Sunday is our annual church business meeting. Usually, they go pretty smooth and I pray this one does too. :-)