Dave's Daily

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Historic Day

Well, actually 'yesterday' was a historic day. It was Election Day and Americans turned out in droves to decide on the next President. 44th President-To-Be Barack Obama pretty much won in a landslide. Not only was it historic for record turnout, but it was historic in the fact that President-Elect Obama is the first African-American president to be elected. I feel sorry for Senator John McCain. It seemed to me that he really didn't have much of a chance. He had to carry too much baggage from the Bush administration and what was happening with the economy. It was just too much of an uphill battle for him. I guess we'll see just how much "Change" will happen in the next four years...

Republican Vice President nominee Gov. Sarah Palin came through my town for a rally on Monday, Nov. 3rd. My parents, wife, son and I all attended. It was a beautiful day weather wise and we got up pretty close to the platform. It was cool to get to see her in person. Hank Williams Jr. was there to help kick off the event with his political song, "McCain Palin Tradition."

Man, I haven't updated my blog in 3 months... Ugh! A lot of things have happened and I just keep putting off updating this thing... Let's see if I can recap a few things... :-)

In August, my kids started another year of school. My son started the 8th grade and my daughter started the 1st grade. It was a little hard for her since she now had to go a full day instead of the half day of kindergarten she was used to. My family along with my parents went to the State Fair for a day. We saw a lot of cool stuff and went to some neat shows. It was an exhausting day. The animated movie Star Wars Clone Wars came out to help kick off the new animated TV show. It was a little hokey, but typical Star Wars stuff. The Summer Olympics in Beijing, China kicked off for two weeks of brutal sporting events. Michael Phelps was the big star in swimming and won 8 Gold medals, beating Mark Spitz's old record. He was amazing to watch.

In September, we had a big Christian Music Festival here in town. Fee, Downhere, Caleb Rowden and quite a few local groups performed at the all day event. And the best part was it was all free! My sister turned 39 back on the 3rd too... Happy Birthday Sis! :-) The new Christian based movie "Fireproof" came out in theatres on the 26th. This is the third movie that Sherwood Baptist church in Albany, Georgia has produced and they get better each time.

In October, we went up to my mother-in-law's house for a Fall get-together. The little town where she lives was celebrating it's 175th anniversary as a town. There was a big parade and they had their annual Fall Festival going on downtown with carnival rides, etc. We also attended her church that evening as they had a special black gospel choir and a potluck dinner after the service. Oh yeah, that Saturday morning, there was a big pancake breakfast going on at the high school... It was a busy day from start to finish. On Columbus day, while the kids were in school, my wife and I did our annual Christmas shopping. We try to get a little jump on the buying so it's not so stressful later on. My son had to have 4 teeth extracted to make room in getting his teeth aligned. He did really well and was a trooper about it, but I know he wasn't looking forward to it. Who would?? Our church has a Halloween alternative every year, so we took the kids to that instead of trick-or-treating. They have all kinds of games, bounce houses, popcorn, cotton candy, free food and lots of candy, so they get more out of it than just going door-to-door.

I guess that pretty well covers the highlights of the past few months.

Today is my sister and her husband's 20th Wedding Anniversary! Congrats to them!! My sister got married 6 months before I did, so I guess my 20th is coming up right around the corner... Yikes! Has it been that long?? I guess I really love my wife as it "just seems like yesterday..."



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