Dave's Daily

Friday, February 15, 2008

February Half Over

Man, February is half over and this is my first post for the month... I'm getting behind again! :-)

Back on the 3rd was the big Super Bowl of course... Giants beat the unbeaten Patriots 17-14 in a great game spoiling the Patriots "perfect" season. It was also nice to watch the "big" game on my new "big" TV... :-)

This past Tuesday (12th) was a busy day. I had the day off for the Lincoln's Birthday holiday, but it wasn't much of a day "off." I still had to get up at my usual time as I had to take my son to school. I then took my pickup in to get the oil changed. Afterwards, I went to Wal-Mart to pickup a dozen roses and a card for Valentine's day. Went home for about an hour and then my wife and I had to take my daughter to kindergarten. We went out for a quick lunch at a local sub shop then went to the mall to purchase a new wedding ring for my wife. If you've been a long time reader of my blog, you'll maybe remember back last summer my wife's ring was lost/stolen. So, we picked one out and they called today saying it was ready to be picked up. My wife is really excited. Anyway, by the time we were done shopping, it was time to pick up the kids from school. Went home to drop off my wife and daughter and then I took my son to guitar practice. As soon as that was over, I had to go back to my son's school for a Parent/Teacher conference (he's doing great in school by the way!). Then home for a quick dinner as I then had to go the church for a board meeting that night. I got home a little after 9pm and then crashed in bed at 10pm. Man, whataday! I was glad to go back to work the next day just for some normalcy.

Yesterday (14th) was Valentine's day. We didn't do anything really special. I had given the roses I bought back on Tuesday to my wife that day. I gave her my card last night. Our son didn't have school today since the teachers had to stay late last Tuesday night (due to the Parent/Teacher conferences), so he spent the night with a friend. Later on this month on the 23rd, the Women's Ministry at church is sponsoring a "Night of Elegance" at a local restaurant. Since we're planning on going to that, we decided not to do anything fancy for V-Day.

I get Monday (18th) off due to President's Day, so I'm looking forward to the three-day weekend. I'll probably do a little work in the kid's bathroom. We've already stripped the wallpaper off and I have to now do a little patching with Spackle before we paint. Hopefully this is the last "home improvement" I have to do for long while.



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