Dave's Daily

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

We're Number... 6?

Eh... By now, history has already recorded the Mizzou loss to OU in the Big 12 Title game. The first half of the game was really good. The second half was terrible if you are a MU fan, awesome if you're a OU fan. Mizzou has now accepted the bid to play against Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl on New Year's Day. Guess we'll see what happens there. MU was the only team in the top 10 in the BCS standings that didn't get invited to a BCS bowl game. What's up with that? Stinks! Oh well, maybe next year. At least they beat KU! HA! (LSU and Ohio State will now play in the BCS National Title game.)

Our daughter and her kindergarten class was suppose to perform in her school's Christmas chapel service this morning, but she woke up yesterday morning sick. She threw up in her bed about 5:30am. We kept her home from school and she threw up a few more times during the day and evening. We kept her home today too (which meant she missed her performance) just to be on the safe side. She's done better so far today though. I feel bad for her as she worked really hard on her songs and was really looking forward to performing for mom and dad.

I tried to do a little Christmas shopping last night for my wife. I had my son along and he could care less about shopping. That made it a little hard, but trying to find something I think my wife will like is even harder. I came home empty handed (well, not really... I bought a new pair of tennis shoes and some socks for me. ha!).

Happy Hanukkah!


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