Dave's Daily

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Well, my wife took our daughter to the Dr's yesterday to find out why she was having a low fever that would kick in every afternoon. Turns out she has a urinary tract infection (UTI). Got her on some meds and we're trying to pump her full of water too and it seems to be helping. Glad we caught it before it turned serious as it could have eventually infected her kidneys.

Tonight at church, in my son's Royal Ranger class, they are going to do a Pinewood Derby Car Show. You bring in cars you've built in the past to show off and to inspire this year's car builders. That should be fun for the boys to do. This year's derby is in March, so we have all of Feb. to get that next first place finisher... finished. My car one first place in the adult division last year (Woo Hoo! My first trophy!)! Guess now I'll have to see if I can defend my championship position! :-)



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