Dave's Daily

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Well, this post is a day late, but I just didn't have time to do one yesterday. The day started off right with my wife making me breakfast. :-) There was also a Birthday balloon tied to my chair too! :-) After I got to work, a co-worker brought in doughnuts! Awesome! I decided that since it was my special day, I was going to take off at noon which I did. I had lunch uptown with my good friend Joe at the local Greek restaurant where I had a great Gyro sandwich. After lunch I just took some time for myself and went to Target to buy a few things for myself. It was a beautiful day outside, so I went home and played with the dog a bit outside. My wife fixed a wonderful dinner with fried chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, and biscuits! And, we even had a chocolate birthday cake for dessert! Afterwards, I opened a few gifts. My daughter wasn't feeling too good with running a low grade fever, so my wife stayed home with her while my son and I went to church. After church we got home for me to see the last 10 mins of our local college men's b-ball team get their behinds spanked by the visiting team. Oh well, I guess the *whole* day can't be great... :-)

Oh yeah, I also had to renew my driver's license yesterday also. I was a little worried as this past year my eyesight has gotten a little bit worse. I've never worn glasses, but I fear it won't be long. Anyway, when it got to the vision test, there are three boxes with five letters in each box. The left hand box tests the vision in your left eye, the center box tests your combined vision, and the right hand box tests your right eye. I had no trouble with the first two boxes, but since my right eye is a little weaker, the right hand box was a little blurry. I started to freak... Oh no, I'm gonna fail... The lady said, "just guess", so I kind of did. I could sort of make out the letters, so I guessed as best I could and I only missed one of the letters! Imagine that! So, I passed and am renewed until 2012! :-)

I received emails from family and friends wishing me birthday greetings too. I've got a wonderful family and I really and truly appreciate God's blessing in my life.

Oh, and in case you're wondering... I turned 41.... :-)



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