More on Dad
My son had a rough day at school yesterday. He had brought home a Social Studies study paper he filled out to help him with a test he is having today (Thursday). He didn't know he had to return it to school on Wednesday, and we had him leave it at home so he wouldn't lose it and we could study with it. Well, he brings home a note from the teacher (he has a different Social Studies teacher than his normal teacher), stating that he will lose 50% of the grade on the study paper since he didn't bring it in AND she made him sit out in the hall during the Social Studies hour because she didn't want him hearing the answers to the study sheet questions as she didn't think he had it filled in. He was pretty upset all evening and so my wife stayed home with him from church last night going over it all and studying. Kind of a bite as he was going to get the Royal Ranger of the Month award last night at church. Oh well, guess it helps introduce him to responsibility and a small thing called... LIFE.
I finally got my maintenance installed for that mainframe application we've been having problems with. I dialed in from home at 5am this morning to install it in the production system after running it in our test environment most of yesterday.
It's also my second to last Casual Day today. Tomorrow is payday and our last Casual Day. I'll miss 'em.