Dave's Daily

Monday, September 12, 2005


UGH! It's Monday already... Where did the weekend go? :-)

As I mentioned in my last post, my son attended a sleep-over birthday party for one of his friends. That was kind of nice only having one child for the evening. We were able to put her to bed and my wife and I got to finally watch a movie that wasn't a cartoon or one with puppets in it.

Saturday, my wife went to have her hair done and go grocery shopping, so I had a little "father/daughter" time with my little girl. We spent about 2 hours outside that morning swinging and playing in the sandbox. Had to give Sam our dog a little attention too. :-) That afternoon, after my wife picked up our son from the birthday party, I went out and mowed the yard.

Sunday was the usual church schedule although this week my wife had to work in the nursery and I was scheduled to help out in the TV ministry. My wife really hates working in the nursery as she's a stay at home mom having to deal with our daughter all day and really looks forward to the break from her during church time. Having to miss the service to deal with even more kids sometimes puts her in a bad mood. They should get people that don't have kids to work in the nursery so that parents can have a break! :-)

One of our associate pastors, Bob, preached last night. He's a newer pastor, but he did a really good job. He's also over our TV ministry and has really been able to get a lot accomplished in helping us out in that area. Thanks, Bob!

My wife wants to go attend the first PTO meeting at my son's school tonight. Looks like I'll be home with the kids tonight... :-)



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