Dave's Daily

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Paint Job

Last Saturday (21st) I spent about 12 hours in the master bathroom of my house. No, I didn't have an extreme case of diarrhea (thankfully!). In what was suppose to be one of the final stages of changing our bathroom, I had to put two coats of primer on and then practically three coats of paint. It has a sandstone texture, so those little grains of sand fly off when you roll it on which is a real pain too. So, I get it all done and it looks crappy in my opinion. The areas where I had to use a regular brush to paint around the trim and ceiling are darker than the wall areas. I'm not sure what to do. Looks like I may have to buy more paint and try putting on another coat on the walls. It about killed me doing that all day long and I'm not looking forward to having to put more paint on.

My dog earned his keep yesterday (23rd). After work, I was out in the backyard with my daughter. She wanted to swing on the swing set, so I was pushing her and we were talking and I happened to notice the dog looking down in the yard and nipping at something. I walked over and noticed it was a mole! He had caught a mole! He bit and played with it for quite awhile and it eventually died of course. I finally found a little hole the dog had dug by the fence where he must have pulled the mole out. Good Dog!! Extra doggie treats for you!!! I've seen and had to deal with torn up yards due to moles and I'm glad this one won't have that chance!

Gotta go to a church board meeting tonight. The last two have gone really long with lots of topics to discuss. I hope this one will be short...


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Party

Last Friday (13th) evening, we threw a birthday party for my son. He invited five of his friends and they had a great time. They played a little basketball outside until the sprinkling got a little heavier then came in and had a Foosball tournament. Then we ate pizza for supper and then they all went downstairs to play some video games. Two of the boys brought their Nintendo DS systems and along with my son's new one, they all "networked" and played Mario Kart together. That was pretty cool. After some gaming, then we had them all come up and we had cake and ice cream, sang "happy birthday" and the opening of presents. Then back to more gaming until it was time to go home. One boy spent the night and they had fun playing more games (what else?). :-)

Saturday (14th) I worked in the master bathroom again. I removed the toilet so I could remove the wallpaper behind it. I also removed the shower curtain rod to get a little bit more wallpaper off. We wiped down the walls to clean off the dust from sanding and did a little more prep work to get ready for painting. So, with our bathroom out of commission, my wife and I are using the kids' bathroom for now. :-) Hopefully I can get the room painted this weekend.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Today is the big day for my son. He turns 12 years old today. Man, one more year and he's a teenager! Ugh!

My son and I had a big adventure hunt last night... He has been saving his allowance for awhile and also got a little birthday money. He's been wanting to get a Nintendo DS lite system for his birthday. So we went out to get one after dinner last night. We first went to Best Buy but they didn't have the black onyx one he wanted (they had plenty of white and pink ones). That was frustrating. So, we got back in the car and headed to Target. Again, plenty of white and pink ones, no black ones. UGH! When we left Best Buy, it had started raining pretty hard and we had no umbrella. So, now we're running in and out of Target. Okay... Off to Wal-Mart (which is across the street). Again, we ran in as it's raining pretty hard. We get back to the electronics dept.... white ones and pink ones... no black ones... AAAAAHHH!!! We're starting to run out of places that carry game systems! Next, we went to K-Mart. Now, our K-Mart is barely hanging on ... I'm surprised it hasn't shut down. The only thing I've heard that is keeping it going is it has a record money making pharmacy. We get to K-Mart (thankfully the rain has started to die down) and head back to the electronics dept.... They have only ONE of each color... BUT THEY HAVE A BLACK ONE!!! We grab it and get out of the store. About the only places left I can think that might have one would be EB Games in the mall and Hastings. Since it took so long to find one, my son didn't get to mess with it very long after we got home as it was almost time to go to bed. :-( Anyway, that was our big adventure for the evening... :-) The only thing I can think of why everyone was out of them was people were buying them up for Easter presents.

We're going to go out for dinner tonight at my son's choice before church. We already told him though that McDonald's was not one of the options. :-)

Happy Birthday Son and many more to come!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter

Yeah, so it's a little late, but happy Easter anyway. :-)

Last Friday (Apr. 6th), my son was out of school for Good Friday, so she took him and our daughter over to a friend's house that was having a big Easter egg hunt for a bunch of kids. They had a great time and got lots of candy.

Saturday (7th), it was my wife's pampering day. She first went and got her hair trimmed and colored. Then, after lunch, she went and got a professional spa manicure/pedicure treatment. I had gotten her a gift certificate for that as a Valentine's Day gift. So anyway, she got all prettied up for Easter. While she was gone, I continued working in our master bath sanding down the spackling. I think I'm going to try to get it painted this weekend. After the spa treatment, we had a quick family Easter egg hunt for the kids at our house. It was very windy/cold, so we only hid six eggs per kid to get it over with fast! :-)

Sunday (8th) was Easter (or sometimes we call it Resurrection Day) and like usual, we attended church that morning (with an albeit larger crowd than normal). Afterwards, we drove to the town where my parents live and had lunch with them at the local Country Kitchen. Man, it was busy there and very noisy. The food was pretty good, but I was getting a headache due to all the noise. After we ate, we went to my folk's house for awhile to visit.

I got the yard mowed last night. I was going to do it on Saturday, but like I mentioned, it was windy and very cold. I lowered the deck down on the mower and it took me a little longer than usual as I had to walk kind of slow or I would have killed the mower due to the thick grass. Looks good now! :-)

Tomorrow is my son turns twelve years old! AHH! He's growing up too fast! He's been saving his money up for a Nintendo DS Lite game system and with some birthday money he has received, he finally has enough. So, we're heading to the store tonight to pick one up. Of course he'll want to "try it out" to make sure it works... HA! He's going to have a birthday party this Friday night too. Oh Boy! A bunch of 11 and 12 year old boys... And it's supposed to rain Friday, so that means keeping them indoors. Oh Boy!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Eskimo Winter

During the fall, when it's starting to cool off, but then you hit a real hot period and everyone calls it, "Indian Summer." Well, it's been really warming up lately, but since we hit 85 degrees this past Monday (Apr. 2nd) , a cool front passed by on Tuesday causing some bad storms and now we have been getting down to mid 20's at night and we only hit about 45 degrees today. It's suppose to stay cool all week and through the weekend. I'll call it our "Eskimo Winter." :-)

On Sunday (Apr 1st - no foolin'), we discovered our garbage disposal was leaking. After determining it was nothing I could fix, on Monday after work, I stopped by the local Lowe's store and picked up a new one. Thankfully I had a $10 Off card which helped. So, after dinner, I got out all my tools and replaced the old one. Just took me awhile as the old one was hard to get off. It was probably the original from 15+ years ago.

This Sunday is Easter, so after church (which is usually crowded on this day), we're going to head up to visit and have lunch with my parents and probably my sister & family.

Wed., April 11th, is my son's 12th birthday... Man, he's not suppose to be growing up this fast! Guess I can't stop him though... One more year... and he's a teenager! AAHH!

My wife and I are trying to get the plans together for our summer vacation. I think we'll be scoping out hotels, etc. tonight. Sometimes I love vacations, getting away from work, etc., but I hate all the junk that goes with it... Traveling, paying for hotels, dealing with crowds, etc. It's not really a vacation to me. But, we're trying to go someplace we've never been, so hopefully it will be a lot of fun... Even with a 4 (who'll be 5 by the time we go) year old. :-)
