Happy New Year!
My wife has come up with the idea to repaint the kitchen since it's a three-day weekend. It is needing a fresh coat of paint, so I guess nows as good of time as any. Plus, she was going to cancel my birthday party (scheduled for later on in January - more on that as the time approaches) as she didn't want people to see the current condition of the kitchen... Since we just moved in and all, she wanted it to look really nice for when all the hoards of people came. The kitchen has a boarder along the ceiling too... I hate painting for one thing... I hate boarders even more...
Well, I splurged a little (a lot actually!) and bought a new TV... It's a Sony WEGA 32" that even has a Memory stick slot in the front so I can take the Memory stick from my Sony digital camera and show the pictures right away on the TV... Not too many places had it in stock, but my parents found one at the Best Buy store in their town and are going to pick it up tonight. Hopefully they can bring it down this weekend. Maybe it will be best if they don't come until the painting is done... otherwise, it may not get done... HA!
To close on a sports note, our local college basketball team will be playing Gonzaga tonight... Gonzaga has been playing pretty good lately, so it will either be a bit blow out or another nail-biter.... Guess we'll find out tonight! Stay tuned!
Dick Clark... We're thinking about you... Try to enjoy the show from the hospital....
Happy New Year and many Blessings to you in the upcoming year!