Dave's Daily

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Gone Camping

Well, we did end up getting to go camping after all, but just for one night instead of the scheduled two. My mother was able to come down and stay with our daughter so we could go, but we just went for one night so my mom wouldn't have to stay two days with her. Our daughter is getting along okay now and hasn't had anymore fever since last Tuesday.

The camping trip was great! Awesome weather and the lake water was a perfect temp. We had an exciting boat ride and tons of fun with some inflatable "toys." One was a large "lily pad" that we pulled behind the boat. It was big enough for two people to ride on and me and a friend of my son got the ride of our lives! They tried pretty hard to knock us off, and one time almost did if they hadn't stopped the boat. :-) My arms are pretty sore today from just hanging on so tight. Ha!

The evening was great and we had perfect sleeping weather and not much noise in the campground. I wish we could have stayed the extra day (the others in our party did stay). Actually our son did stay with his friend and their family, so he had some extra time to swim and play with his friends.

Today, I weed eated and mowed the yard. I am still pretty sore and wiped out. We're just now getting our son to bed (he is really wiped out) and I'll be hitting the sack shortly (if we can get our daughter to go to bed... ha!).

We're suppose to have beautiful weather this week and I hope it holds out.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Happy First Day of Summer

Today happens to be the first day of summer and hot it was. I think it hit about 95 degrees today and a high amount of humidity to go along with it made it perfect for Summer's premiere.

Yesterday was my brother-in-law's 49th birthday. Happy Birthday Bro!!

We've been having lots of health problems with our daughter lately. Last Friday, we started in with a low grade fever and it lasted through the weekend. On Monday, we were able to get her to the doctor and they ran her through the ringer. They checked her for strep throat (it was clear), they checked her urine for the urinary tract infection she had before, but that was clear too. They took three vials of blood for various tests too. They even checked for leukemia (thankfully that was clear too!!). Basically the only thing they could think of was a viral infection. Her inflammation level was at 52 and should have been around 12. They think it might be that EBV virus (the one that causes mono), but they weren't sure on that either. They even did an ultrasound today to check her kidneys. Yesterday, she didn't have any fever and felt pretty good. She was fine today too, so hopefully we're about over it.

This weekend we're suppose to go camping with 5 other couples, but with all this going on with our daughter, we're not sure at this point if we'll get to go. I'm checking to see if my mother can stay with her.

If you're of the praying type, please say a quick prayer that we'll get over all this soon. Thanks!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy 4th Birthday!!

Today is my daughter's 4th birthday. It's hard to believe that she's already that old. She has been asking for about a month, "Is it my birthday yet?" She's so cute!! Happy Birthday!!

Last Saturday (10th) was my wife's birthday. I won't say how old she is or I'll get into trouble! HA! We got a baby sitter (we got free baby sitting due to that I did a video project for her and part of the payment was babysitting for an evening - they also paid for dinner! Nice!) and I took her out to dinner. Afterwards we just went to the mall to spend some "us" time without the kids. It started raining really hard with lots of lightning. I took the babysitter home and coming back home I had a flat tire! UGH! Thankfully it had stopped raining by then. As I was about to change the tire, a guy came walking up the road and helped me get it all taken care of. That was a real blessing.

On Monday (12th), we took it to the tire place and got two new front tires (they were about due to be replaced anyway). They also told me the wheel bearing on the front left wheel was going bad and needed to be replaced. They estimated the cost at $386!! UGH! We took it to another place on Tues. morning and got it fixed for $230. Man, it sure pays to shop around!

This Saturday, we having a little birthday party for our daughter. 3 other little girls are coming over (and my parents are coming down) to help celebrate. Should be a fun and crazy time! Ha!


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Happy "Anniversary"

Today is the second anniversary of starting my blog. To tell you the truth, I never thought I'd make it this far, especially since they stopped letting me get to it from work. It's been a real struggle to dial in from home to update this thing due to time constraints. Thankfully it's still alive for now! :-) And thanks to all you readers out there too!

Today was a major work day around here. Last night after work, I mowed the lawn and moved our wood pile from close to the house (where I had it so it was easy to get wood for the fireplace), to down by the fence (so that bugs wouldn't start getting into it and into the house).

Today, I washed my Ranger pickup and then waxed it and cleaned it all up inside and out. I'm about all worn out from doing that. I also sanded off some rust spots on our basketball goal and painted that too (as well as pulling some weeds).

Last Thursday, I had to take off work a hour early to take our dog to the vet. He had broken a "toenail"/claw to where it was hurting him. The vet had to get a couple of helpers to hold him down and put a muzzle on him too so that they could get it clipped. It was really hurting him bad. He's doing a lot better now though.

Our church started a Saturday evening worship service tonight. The sermon is going to be the same as on Sunday morning, but the worship time is more contemporary and the atmosphere more casual. They are holding it in the gym too. Guess we'll find out how it all went tomorrow at church. They had been promoting it quite a bit, so I hope they had a good turnout.

A lady missionary to India that I do a website for got married today. Congrats to them!
