Dave's Daily

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My Poor Toenail

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed the toenail on my middle toe on my left foot was strange looking. It was also cracked all the way across the toenail. I went to see a nurse who clipped off some of the nail to have it sent off to be examined. After about a week and a half, I finally got a call saying it was indeed a fungus and they were going to prescribe Lamisil for it. Reading some of the side effects doesn't sound promising, but I hope it clears it up. I've been taking it for two days now. The nurse said I will probably lose the toenail. It already looks like it could fall off. Ugh.

Tomorrow I'm taking off at noon to help get ready for going on a little weekend trip to see my wife's mother. It's about a 3 hour tour, uh, I mean trip which gets a little long with kids. Their limit always seems to be about 10 miles from getting there... :-) We haven't visited with her or the other in-law relatives for quite awhile, so it should be fun getting to see everyone.

My parents are traveling around the country the next two weeks going to quilt shows. They are up in New Hampshire this weekend and next week will be in Kentucky for a week long show. They really enjoy going to these shows and meeting all the people.

I really wish I had broadband internet at home... Dial up is for the birds... Oh well, dial up is better than nothing I guess! :-)


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter/Resurrection Day! This is the day that we, as Christians, celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Basically, if not for this one event, everything we believe in as Christians would be foolish and baseless. I'm glad I serve a risen Savior!

Today we went to church and then out to lunch with some friends. Before we left for church this morning, I got a call from work to fix a problem right as we were suppose to leave. I got it fixed, but it made us about 10 minutes late for church. Sure didn't make the day start off right. We didn't have evening services, so we get to spend the evening with the family. Had a nice afternoon playing outside and doing an Easter Egg hunt with the kids.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Big Birthday Boy

Today is my son's 11th birthday! Happy Birthday!! Last Friday, we had a big party for him by inviting 5 of his friends from church/school. They played foosball, basketball, Lego Star Wars on a Playstation 2, etc. We had pizza, cake & ice cream and opened presents. We finally kicked them all out at 8pm. :-)

Sunday was our church choir's big Easter Cantata performance. This year we had some drama and also video to go along with it. It was very powerful. My son and I got to be in the drama as well. I was the disciple Peter. I also put the video stuff together (which took my all Thursday afternoon).

Today was also kind of special for our town as President Bush visited. I joked with my son that Pres. Bush was coming to town for his birthday, but he didn't quite believe that one. I went out for a walk outside at lunch today and noticed one of the streets blocked off by my building. I found out Bush's motorcade was going to be passing by soon, so I waited for it to come by. It didn't last long, as they were zooming by pretty quick, but it was neat to see. It's not everyday that you get to see the President. :-)

Last night we watched part one of ABC's new version of the movie The 10 Commandments. It was actually pretty good and was more or less faithful to the Bible. Part two will be coming on here in about 15 mins, so I'd better get off of here before it comes on. :-)


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'm Still Alive!

It's really sad that I can't find time to get dialed in at home very often to update this blog. It's really been bothering me too. I'm sure my readership has died down to almost nothing (if I ever even had any readership! Ha!). I don't even know where to start cause so much as happened over the last couple of weeks.

Our family had our annual dental checkups and we all passed (my wife has to go back this Friday to have an old filling replaced). The day after that, I had my first real physical checkup. The 'ol prostate looks good. :-)

After that we all took a little get-away trip to just get a change of scenery since my son was out of school for Spring Break. My wife got to do a little shopping too.

Had some problems with my dialup internet provider too as the software wouldn't authenticate. Found out today that there was an update which I had to do to get it to work again. So that slowed me down for a few days too.

We had a Disaster Recovery test at work which went for 72 hours. I didn't have to work long nights like some of my co-workers did, but I did get 5 hours of comp time for working late one night.

It's getting late, so I'd better get to bed....
