Dave's Daily

Monday, May 29, 2006

In Remembrance

Today is Memorial Day. Please remember those that have given their lives to keep us free.

My son finished up the Fifth grade this past Friday (26th). It's hard to believe this past year is over already. He's now heading to middle school... Wow. He had a friend from his class come and spend the weekend with us. His parents had to go out of town for the weekend and it worked out that he could come and stay with us. He's a real nice kid and it worked out great.

My maternal grandmother, who will be turning 94 this July, went into the hospital this past week. I took off early on Friday to go visit her. She had some internal bleeding and the doc's aren't real sure what's causing it. On Saturday morning they stuck a scope down her throat and the doc said that was the worst looking stomache she'd ever seen. Nice. They also did a colon check, but due to a lot of polyops, they were only able to go in about 6 inches. They are testing one of the polyops to see if it is cancerous or not. Please keep her in your prayers.

I replaced the screen in our back porch screen door today. Seemed like it took me about all day. I had to remove little trim pieces, and then tuck in the new screen in these little grooves, then nail in the little trim pieces again. Seemed to take forever, but it's in and looks pretty good!

It's been very hot this weekend. Mid to lower 90s. On Friday, I went out with my son and his friend and we had a watergun fight in the backyard. Saturday, we stayed in most of the day as it was just too hot to do anything. Sunday, my daughter wasn't feeling too good for some reason, so I stayed home from church to stay with her while the rest of the family and my son's friend went. Today, it started off hot again, but mid afternoon, it clouded up and we got a real good rain.

Sunday, we also went up and visited my folks and went out to their farm. We rode some four-wheelers for awhile so my dad could show us the property boundaries. We also fed the fish and those catfish sure can eat!

Blessings to you and God bless our Troops!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Nice Weather

After about a week of below normal temps and lots of rain, it's finally getting back to "normal" Spring like weather. It was really nice today (mid-70's) and will be close to 80 tomorrow.

Last Friday our family along with my sister and her husband attended the MQS (Machine Quilters Showcase) banquet. This is an international convention of machine quilters and this was their 10th year. My father received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the banquet for his computerized quilting machine attachment. This machine has become the standard to which all other computerized machines only dream to become. I was really proud of mom and dad as they received their reward. Dad gave a short speech inwhich he thanked everyone for helping him get to where he is today.

I finished up my photo montage video for that girl who is turning 16. I gave the DVDs to her parents Wed. night at church. I went the extra mile and created DVD jacket covers and DVD "labels" (the were printed right on the discs) to make it look like a store bought video. The mother called me tonight to say how thrilled they were with the video and everything. They will be playing it tomorrow night (Friday) during the girls big party. Instead of payment, we're going to get free babysitting (from the girl) and a free dinner out. Cool. My wife's birthday is coming up, so that will work out great!

My son went on a field trip today to a cave. They have been studying caves in Science class, so this was a great ending to the topic.

My 17th wedding anniversary is coming up this Saturday (20th)! Happy Anniversary Darling! I love you!


Monday, May 08, 2006

Playing Catchup

Man, I hate getting behind. I've put off updating this blog way too long. It's just so hard to find time to do it at home. I have a day off from work today, my son has school today, so I'm trying to get an entry in before I get further behind.

Our trip to the in-laws went well. We had a cookout with my wife's brother and his family. We all went out to a little country restaurant on Sunday before coming home. For a little place out in the sticks, it has awesome food. Oh, in my last post I mentioned about my toenail. Well, on the Saturday night we were at my mother-in-law's house, I was pulling my sock off getting ready for bed and the sock caught the nail and pulled it off. That kinda hurt, but since then, it really hasn't bothered me. Just looks strange not having a toenail...

I had a church board meeting on the 25th of April. Nothing major there, just mainly going over the finances and everything is looking good after doing some cutbacks.

I'm starting to work on another video photo montage project for a girl that is having a sweet 16 birthday ball coming up on May 19th. Her parents are wanting this video to be a surprise, so they gave me about 35 pics to put to music. Since it is a surprise, the mom can't get their daughter's suggestions on music, so mom was having a problem about what songs to use. She picked out a few, but looks like I'm going to have to use my "vast" knowledge and pick a few myself. I put a few "special effects" to some of the pics and I think it looks pretty cool so far. I think they'll like the outcome. Here in a few weeks, I'll be starting the photo montage videos for the church's Missionette Honorstar crowning again. That's always a crazy time trying to get all that done.

This past weekend, my son and I went on an overnight campout with our church's Royal Rangers group. We had a lot of fun as on Saturday, we all got to play paintball. I didn't get to sleep all that much as all the guys were snoring, the owls were hooting and the whiperwill birds were singing all night. But overall, we had a great time.

As I mentioned, I'm off work today for a holiday that most people don't get as it's the birthday of a president that was born in my state. I'm going to paint the mailbox post and a few places on our basketball goalpost, then after lunch, I'm going to go to the church to work on that girl's photo montage video.

Only two more weeks of school for my son and the next two Fridays, they have big field trips planned. This Friday, there are going to visit the Cahokia Indian Mounds in Collinsville, IL. Then, on the 19th of May, they are going to tour a cave. I really wanted to go to the Indian mounds, but my father is getting a Lifetime Achievement award at a dinner for his work in the quilting business for his computerized quilting machine, so we have to go to that. Can't be in two places at once I guess.

Until next time... Blessings!