Dave's Daily

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It's Snowing!

It is bitterly cold this week with the highs only getting up to about 20 degrees. Factor in the wind chill and it's feels like well below that. About 1:45pm today, we had a fire alarm here in the building and we all had to go outside. It was snowing! I guess there was somewhat of a real threat as firetrucks came and we were stuck outside for almost 30 minutes... in the cold... in the snow... ugh! I fixed myself some hot chocolate when we finally got to come back in. :-)

Last Friday night (26th), my parents came down to help celebrate my birthday. We all had pizza I got to open a few more gifts. One was the Cars movie based video game (which I think my kids enjoy more than me - ha!). They also tried to get me the Star Trek - The Animated Series DVD set, but couldn't find it anywhere, so they just gave me some cash to go find it myself..... Which I did online. :-)

Yesterday (30th), I went and picked up the newly released movie, "Facing the Giants." It was produced by a church down in Albany, GA and they did a fantastic job. I've also been trying to find a new cordless phone battery to no avail. None of the stores here in town have it and when I checked out Radio Shack's website, they have it where you can get it online only, but it was out of stock! AHH! I did find it on Amazon.com, but just haven't got around to ordering it yet.

Oh yeah! Today is pay-day too! Oh yeah! :-)



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