Dave's Daily

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Cramping My Style

Last Wed. (8th), my work place turned on a web content filter that now prevents me from getting to Blogger.com at work. So now my updates to this blog will probably not be as often as I'd like as I'll now have to do it from a dialup connection at home. Bummer.

This past Fri. (10th) night, my son's school had their annual Fun Fair, which is their major fund raising event of the year. It's open to the public, and they have all kinds of games for the kids and a silent and live auction for the adults along with a dinner. We heard that they had a record number of items to auction off and a record number of people attend. This was the school's 14th year of holding the Fun Fair.

Sat. (11th), was our church's annual Pinewood Derby. It is a sectional event, so churches from all over in our section attend. We got there about 9am and it wasn't over with giving out all the awards until about 2:30pm. My son won three awards: 3rd place for best paint job, 3rd place for "most like a car" design, and 6th place in his division for the races. My car didn't fare so well and didn't win me any ribbons. Oh well, it was fun anyway! :-)

Sat. evening we attended the Fun for 4 Fellowship event for our Sunday school class. It's where 4 or 5 couples get together at someone's house for dinner (or whatever you want to do) just so folks can get to know each other a little better. We had a real nice dinner and had a good time visiting and telling everyone how we met our spouse, etc.

Today (Sunday) was the normal church day stuff, but we had some really bad weather barely miss our area with tornadoes, etc. hitting some towns even just 30 miles away. I pray no one was seriously hurt.

Time to get the kids into bed....



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