Dave's Daily

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Weekend

Last Fri. (Mar. 3rd), I just couldn't take it anymore at work, so I left at 3pm (my normal leaving time is 4:30pm), went by the school, picked up my son, and went home. It was so nice outside that I spent most of the remaining time outside. I put down some fertilizer (with crabgrass killer), played with the dog, picked up some dog poop, played basketball with my son, etc. until it got too dark or it was dinner time, can't remember. That night, my son, along with his basketball team, had to be back at his school to help out at a statewide basketball tourney. It was a 7th and 8th grade tourney, but the 5th graders had to clean up the stands after each game. He had to be there at 6:30pm and was there until 9:30pm... I dropped him off and then went shopping (mainly browsing) until about 8:40pm and then helped them out until it was time to leave.

Saturday (4th) it rained most of the day, but my son and I had a lot of work to do on our pinewood derby cars for the upcoming race this upcoming Saturday. My son's car was pretty much all sanded down, but I still had a lot of work to do on mine. Got that all done, then I experimented with axle alignment/placement, got the holes drilled and then we started painting. We put on quite a few coats. I even put on another coat this morning (Monday) and will probably put on another one tonight. Then we'll do some decorating and then put on some layers of clear coat finish to give it a nice shiny look.

My daughter started a slight fever Saturday night and so she kept waking up throughout the night. We didn't get a lot of sleep, so my wife stayed home with her while I took my son to church. She felt better most of the day, so we took her to Sunday night services and she's been fine since.

This is Lutheran School Week at my son's school, so all week they are having special activities. Today, the Fifth Grade class did the Chapel service, so my wife, daughter and I stayed to watch. They did a great job of singing, doing the Scripture readings, doing a message and even taking up the offering. My son got to do the Gospel reading out of the New Testament. On Wednesday, it's Lunch with Parents/Grandparents Day, so my parents are coming to town and we'll all have lunch at the school with my son. They're having turkey and gravy with all the fixin's, so it sounds real good! :-) (Granted, it's still "school food" though... ha!)

Tonight our church is having another skate night at the local skating rink. It's the last one for the year, but they're usually a lot of fun. I guess I'll try the Limbo again, but I always hit the bar (it's not fair that all those little kids win all the time!!!). My main objective is just to not fall down during the evening! :-)



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