Dave's Daily

Friday, December 09, 2005

First Snow Day

Over the night on Wednesday into most of Thursday morning, we got our first significant snow fall. We only ended up getting 2 inches, but North West of us, they got 8 to 10 + inches. School was cancelled yesterday too, so my son was happy about that.

It was bitterly cold this morning (close to Zero!) and walking into work was a very chilling experience! I'm fighting a slight cold (I think it's more of a sinus infection type of thing) and so this cold weather doesn't help. There was a few times today I just wanted to pack it in and go home to bed.

My son is going ice skating after school today with some of his friends. That's always fun. I'll pick him up after work and then we'll head home for dinner.

The new "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" movie starts tonight. I wish we could go, but this is just too busy of a weekend to fit one more thing in with my son's play this weekend. I think we're going to try and go on the 23rd while my son is out of school and I'm scheduled to be off work that day. Reviews of the movie look good!

One of my sister-in-laws is coming down tomorrow to see my son in his play. We don't get to see my wife's family very often as most of them live almost 4 hours away, so it is a nice treat when they come visit us.



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