Dave's Daily

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Happy Groundhog Day

Well, according to the "official" groundhog, we're in for another six weeks of winter... Oh well, Spring will get here when it gets here...

My co-worker Rodney, who I mentioned in my last post, is doing MUCH better. The doctors did determine that he had a heart attack and they put in some stints. They also determined that he is diebetic now. Anyway, he is feeling better and should get to go home by the end of the week. Thanks for your prayers!

Pres. Bush is set to give his State of the Union speech tonight... Looks like Social Security overhaul is going to be one of the major topics.

My parents left yesterday evening for a trip to Sydney, Austraila. Just heard from my aunt who was tracking the flight over the Internet and she said that they had just landed. I'm looking forward to seeing all the pictures. I wonder if they'll get to see Steve the Croc Hunter... Crickey!!



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