Dave's Daily

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Ice and Snow

We got quite a bit of rain yesterday and last night, but this morning it changed over to sleet and finally snow. Didn't get a lot, but it did get slick in a few spots. Suppose to be very cold (lows in single digits and highs only around 20) for the next couple of days... Brrr.... Okay, so much for the weather report....

Sometimes I just hate doing website stuff... Oh, the actual creation and maintenance isn't so bad, but it's when you have to change web hosts is when it gets frustrating. I'm moving the church's website to save money and to get more space. Problem is, they wanted to also change their email addresses to something new to cut down on spam. Sure, it'll be nice for awhile, but it'll just catch up to them evenutally... Another group I'm doing a site for is totally reorganizing and totally redoing everything (new domain names, new site, etc.)... They're having trouble getting some of the subdomains working right and are working with the hosting company, so I guess that part is out of my hands. Change is good.... right?

I'm suppose to shoot some video for a "paying" gig this Saturday. It's for a steel construction company that is wanting a short video (about 5 mins) to play in their booth at an upcoming home show at the end of the month. Hopefully the weather will be nice (still only going to be in the 20's... brrr) as the video will be shot outside. Hopefully my camera won't freeze up!

Saw on CNN's website that NASA will be landing a probe on Saturn's moon Titan tomorrow morning. That's pretty cool... Can't wait to see what they find out... "Hey, there's green cheese on the surface!"

Oh... Last Tues. night the local college b-ball team lost to OSU... It was a pretty close game for most of it and they only fell apart in the last two minutes and only lost by 10 points.... They gave it a great effort though for their first official "away" game.



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