Dave's Daily

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Thor's Day

Well, Thor can have his Thursday back.... We're still dealing with an unknown network problem here at work. All of IBM's horses and men (and women) can't put "Humpty" together again... Anyway, it will someday be resolved and we'll go on to the next challenge...

We got our new UPS (uninteruptable power supply) units in for our TV ministry control room at the church, so last night I got those installed and so now I feel a little safer on poweroutages/spikes.

School hasn't even been out a week yet and already my son is saying "I'm bored!" My wife took him to the library on Tuesday and then he played with a friend from down the street for most of the day yesterday. At least we have the Royal Rangers Camprama, Swim Lessons, Kids Camp, Vacation Bible Schoo, etc. to look forward to. Maybe we can sneak in a little family vacation in there too.



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