Dave's Daily

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

No Title Tuesday

Man, I hate it when nothing is really happening that day and you can't come up with a catchy title for that day's blog entry. Bummer.

My team lost last night at our basketball game... It was the last game of the "season," but now our tourney starts... Double elimination... 1, 2, we're done. :-) Oh, we actually might get lucky and win one.

I've got a church bored (oops, there I go again!) "board" meeting tonight. We got into a big discussion of hiring a minority to the church pastoral staff to show the minorities in the congregation that we are serious about supporting them and their needs. It was a good discussion, but I just hope we don't go real long tonight as I'm really tired today. And, I have to come into work early tomorrow to help test out a new network connection. Ugh, it all just seems to come at once.

The Cardinals elected a new Pope today. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany was elected and selected the name Pope Benedict XVI as his new name. He is the 265th Pope to be elected.

Only 30 more days until the release of "Star Wars Revenge of the Sith!" Am I a geek or what? :-)



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