Dave's Daily

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Birthday Hangover

Can you have a hangover if you don't drink? Umm... Guess I'm just tired from all the festivities. We had a nice evening last night. My parents came down to help us celebrate my son's 10th birthday. We ordered pizza and had Zingers and ice cream for dessert. My son opened his presents and then we watched my parents' video footage from their trip to Israel. That was very interesting.

I skipped out of my men's church league b-ball game last night due to the party. I probably could have made it since it was a 9:15pm game, but after eating all that pizza, I don't think it would have been a good idea to be running up and down a court. :-)

It's been a pretty good day today... It's just that I'm a little tired...

But hey, it's almost time to go home! Yea!!



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