Dave's Daily

Monday, April 11, 2005

Happy 10th Birthday Son!

Today is the big day! My son turns 10 years old today. Wow... I can't really believe he is that old already. Since I am typing this, it is safe to assume that I did survive the weekend. As mentioned in my previous post, my son invited a friend over to spend the night last Friday night. They played together constently. They did take a break to watch a movie and eat some popcorn. My wife and I watched the third Anne of Green Gables movie (The Continuing Story) which kept us up until about 1am which is about what time we finally got the boys in to bed as well. They woke up about 6:45am Saturday morning and starting playing again until it was time to go to the birthday party at the roller rink at 2pm...

The party was pretty fun. Way to nice outside to be indoors, but you can't really plan for the weather a couple weeks in advance. One of my son's friends never really skated before and didn't last too long. So he played some of the various games at the rink. I felt bad for him and I think my son did too, as he stuck around with him for while until my wife told my son that we had paid for doing skating and not playing games... :-)

After the party, I got to mow the yard for the first time this season... Believe it or not, the mower fired off on the first pull!

Sunday was really a beautiful day (just a little windy) and I tried to spend as much time as I could outside.

Tonight my folks are coming to town to help celebrate my son's birthday. I think we're going to be ordering pizza for dinner. Hopefully my folks will remember to bring along their pictures from their trip to Israel as well.

Happy Birthday Son!!!



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