Dave's Daily

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Lock Out!

Yesterday morning I got a frantic call from my wife here at work. She was locked out of the house (she was calling me from a payphone at the nearby shopping mall). It seems that when she and the kids left the house to take my son to school, as my son was opening the door in the kitchen that leds out to the garage, he inadvertently locked the door. Thankfully it was just the kind of lock that has the little hole (not a regular keyhole). I found a large paperclip here at work and rushed home to help a damsel in distress. I bent the paperclip so it was long and straight and pushed it into the hole and opened the door. Before calling me, she was about to call a locksmith. I'm glad she didn't as that probably would have cost who knows what.

The bummer part was trying to find a parking spot when I got back to work. There was not a space in sight in all of the various lots around here. I probably spent close to 20 minutes searching and then gave up and went way out to the shuttle lot.

Today is one of my niece's 8th birthday. Happy Birthday!!



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