Dave's Daily

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day of the Dead

As they are celebrating Day of the Dead in Mexico, I'll probably end up dead tonight. I was suppose to meet my wife and daughter for lunch today and I totally forgot. Oh man... I'll be out eating with the dog tonight. She only told me about it this morning as my son and I were rushing out the door to leave and I just totally forgot. There was a lot of stuff going on this morning at work and I didn't write it down or mark it in my calendar. Man, I feel really bad. They came to my workplace to eat with me here and when I didn't show up in the cafeteria, they tried calling, but I didn't answer the phone as I was eating my lunch at my desk and I usually don't answer the phone as I don't take "work" calls during my lunch break. Anyway, they finally came to my work area to find me. Oh man, I felt (and still do) really bad... They don't get to come eat lunch with me that much anyway, so it is a real treat when they do.

Ugh... What a day. And on top of that... On one of the websites that I maintain, someone hacked the guestbook by deleting all the entries except for theirs which gloated the fact that they hacked the guestbook. I hate hackers...

And I'm tired on top of all that too... Our daughter cried out at various times during the night disrupting my beauty sleep. Maybe that's why I forgot about lunch... My mind isn't working right today. :-)



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