Dave's Daily

Friday, July 15, 2005


Yeah, it's Friday!

I'm taking off early today to:

1) Go watch my kids do their swim lessons. I try to go at least once during their two week lessons. This is the first year for my daughter, and from what she tells me about them, she's having a lot of fun. I brought the camera with me, so I'll try to get a few pics.

2) After that, I'm heading over to the church to work on the Honor Star Crowning videos for this Sunday night. I hope I can get most of it done today to limit the time I have to spend on it tomorrow. Then they have a practice run through Sunday afternoon that I have to attend too. So, basically, my weekend is shot. But, I did get a nice Applebee's gift card from them for my troubles. I see a "Date Night" in my future soon....

Have a great weekend!


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