Dave's Daily

Monday, June 27, 2005

Heat Wave

Wow! Has it been hot lately! Even though it's "only" been in the low 90's... The humidity has been the killer! The next few days are suppose to be upper 90's, close to 100.... Thank the Good Lord for air-conditioning! I may try to mow the yard tonight, but not until the sun goes down! :-)

Had a pretty good weekend. I put together photo montage videos for the church's Missionette Honor Star Crowning. It's a little video of 10-12 pics for each girl showing her life from baby to now. For the last few years, there have only been about 2-4 girls getting crowned. This year, there are eight! The actual crowning event is July 17th, but I'm going to be out of town for a few weekends before that, so I'm not going to have much time to get these videos done. I'm already about 2/3's done getting the pics all scanned in at least. One girl hasn't given me her pictures yet, so hopefully that won't cause a problem... It'll get done... It always does... but it sure is a hair-pulling experience every year... :-)



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