Dave's Daily

Monday, July 25, 2005

Movie Making and HOT Weekend!

I've been wanting to attempt this for awhile now, and with the hot weather outside, this seemed like a great time to try it. Plus, my son wanted to help do it too. We're making a Star Wars based movie using the LEGO minifig characters. I used my PC's webcam to capture the stop-motion "action." Over the weekend, we wrote a short script (I wanted to keep it simple this first time), recorded the voice lines and finished up yesterday shooting the action. We also picked out some Star Wars sound effects. Now we just have to edit the footage all together. There is only a short part with lightsabres in it and I searched the 'Net on how to make the lightsabre effects in Photoshop Elements. It's been a learning experience, and we didn't go to any great effort for backgrounds, etc. I just wanted to keep it simple and fun for our first time. My son already has grand delousions of two more sequels so we can have our trilogy. HA! Anyway, it has been some good Father/Son time for us.

As I mentioned, the weather was hot Hot HOT! It has been averaging 104 degrees everyday this past weekend and including today. The forecast calls for a break tomorrow with some rain and then the rest of the week is only suppose to get in to the upper 80's. That's good news as we're heading out on a little family vacation this week (so this will be my only blog entry this week by the way).

I'm taking off work tomorrow so my wife can go on her yearly shopping spree with a friend (I get to watch the kids all day... Yippee!). Then we leave Wednesday for our little vacation and come back sometime Friday. I'll report all about that when we get back.

This coming Friday (29th) is my grandma's (my mother's mom) birthday. She's in her early 90's, but I don't know exactly which birthday this is... She wouldn't tell me last year. ha! I'll have to find out what it is... Anyway, Happy Early Birthday, Grandma!



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