Dave's Daily

Monday, July 19, 2004

Round 1 - Winner: Dog

Ugh... As reported last time, I had finished putting up some landscaping timbers around part of the fenced in backyard to help keep the dog in. So, last Friday we let her run around the yard, enjoying her freedom from the leash. Friday evening we ordered pizza and while waiting for it's delivery, the doorbell rang, and it was one of our neighbors bringing our dog back.... What??? Well, she had dug a little spot in another area and was able to squeeze under the fence. So... back on the leash for now until we can figure out what do to next. Putting timbers all around the fence will get a little expensive. We might try some of that garden fencing to attach to the bottom of our regular fence. Ugh.

Mom and Dad called Sunday night and they were on their way home from their Alaskan cruise. They said they had a good time except for Mom experiencing a little sea sickness. Guess we'll have to make a visit to their house when they finally get home to see pictures and hear all about it. :-)

Going with my friend Joe to finally go see the Spider-Man 2 movie tonight... can't wait!



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