Dave's Daily

Monday, July 12, 2004

Back to the grind, the weekend, and more dog problems...

Wow... It's Monday already... Where did the weekend go? Well, listen up and I'll tell you... :-)

Saturday morning I had to take my truck in to get it inspected (passed!) and get the oil changed. Besides taking longer than I thought it should, that all went pretty smoothly. After that, I headed directly over to the church as they were having a Men's Breakfast, and I just caught the tail end of it. They still had plenty of good food left, so that made it all worth it!

After I got home, my wife headed to the grocery store while I watched the kids. We played outside with the dog for awhile, but the heat and humidity drove us back inside. My wife made it home and we all "helped" put away the groceries. Didn't do that much else until the evening when we put some new sheets on the bed after getting them washed up.

Sunday was the basic church day routine. I helped out in the TV ministry booth to record the service. We had a guest missionary speaker who used to be on the church staff a few years ago. It is always a joy to have come back to speak. Went home to a nice roast dinner, read the paper, played with the kids, and then went back for evening service.

Sunday evening after putting our daughter to bed and trying to get our son in bed about 9 PM, the power went out. A sudden storm sprung up and apparently tripped a circuit somewhere in the neighborhood. Saw a firetruck go down our street along with an electric company truck. They finally got it fixed about 10:20PM. Exciting evening... Just lit some candles and opened the windows... Nice and quiet. :-)

Just saw on the CNN website that actress Isabel Sanford, best known as "Weezie," Louise Jefferson on the television sitcom "The Jeffersons," died of natural causes, her publicist said Monday. She was 86. Thanks for the laughs, Isabel!!

My wife called me today at noon that our dog "escaped" again. The cable that goes around a tree that is then attached to another leash attched to the dog's collar came unscrewed. It works it's way undone via the dog running around the tree I guess. I usually try to check it and tighten it fairly often, but forgot to do it this weekend and it came undone. With the leash part still attached, she got under the fence again and headed up the street. A neighbor lady that happened to come home for lunch caught her and called. Since it had been rainy today, the dog had gotten her nice work pants a little dirty from jumping up on her... ugh. Anyone want a really nice dog and a great price??? My wife was pretty upset when she called me and now I gotta do something about the fence so the dog can't get under it... which means I gotta spend more money on this stupid dog... Ah, such is life. It is a good day! :-)



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