Dave's Daily

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Long Overdue

Man, I really hate not being able to update my blog from work. It's really hard to find time at home to do it, so the updates are going to be far and few between I'm afraid.

Today, I took off at noon and me and the family had our annual dentist appointments. "Look Ma, no cavities!" We all had great checkups, but it sure seems to cost an arm and a leg to go. The dentist had new LCD monitors installed where you could watch video while in the chair.

We're all heading for a little get-away tomorrow to a town about 2 1/2 hours away. Going to stay at a hotel with an indoor swimming pool too. They have a nice big mall, so we'll have to stop by there too of course. I'll try to update the blog with the trip details later.

Last Friday night we went to another play at our local theatre. It was somewhat of a comedy, but it was more silly than anything, so it wasn't one of their better productions. But, it was still a nice night out. Our son went with us this time and we had a babysitter watch our daughter at home.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It was a Dark and Stormy Night...

Sunday night (12th) was a terrible night for all across the state. There was over 100 tornadoes reported. Some within 50 miles of here. Several people were killed across the state, mostly when mobile homes turned over on them, etc. The sirens here went off about 10:45pm and we headed for the basement. About 11:10pm the storm hit here with high winds and LOTS of hail. Thankfully it was a little larger than pea-size, but other places had baseball to softball size. Lots of windows and car damage was reported. I don't think there was any roof damage, but all in all, it was a pretty scary thing to go through. I can't imagine being in a worse area...

Monday was back to normal with beautiful skies and it should stay that way for awhile... Thankfully so that those affected by Sunday's storm can sort everything out.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Cramping My Style

Last Wed. (8th), my work place turned on a web content filter that now prevents me from getting to Blogger.com at work. So now my updates to this blog will probably not be as often as I'd like as I'll now have to do it from a dialup connection at home. Bummer.

This past Fri. (10th) night, my son's school had their annual Fun Fair, which is their major fund raising event of the year. It's open to the public, and they have all kinds of games for the kids and a silent and live auction for the adults along with a dinner. We heard that they had a record number of items to auction off and a record number of people attend. This was the school's 14th year of holding the Fun Fair.

Sat. (11th), was our church's annual Pinewood Derby. It is a sectional event, so churches from all over in our section attend. We got there about 9am and it wasn't over with giving out all the awards until about 2:30pm. My son won three awards: 3rd place for best paint job, 3rd place for "most like a car" design, and 6th place in his division for the races. My car didn't fare so well and didn't win me any ribbons. Oh well, it was fun anyway! :-)

Sat. evening we attended the Fun for 4 Fellowship event for our Sunday school class. It's where 4 or 5 couples get together at someone's house for dinner (or whatever you want to do) just so folks can get to know each other a little better. We had a real nice dinner and had a good time visiting and telling everyone how we met our spouse, etc.

Today (Sunday) was the normal church day stuff, but we had some really bad weather barely miss our area with tornadoes, etc. hitting some towns even just 30 miles away. I pray no one was seriously hurt.

Time to get the kids into bed....


Monday, March 06, 2006

The Weekend

Last Fri. (Mar. 3rd), I just couldn't take it anymore at work, so I left at 3pm (my normal leaving time is 4:30pm), went by the school, picked up my son, and went home. It was so nice outside that I spent most of the remaining time outside. I put down some fertilizer (with crabgrass killer), played with the dog, picked up some dog poop, played basketball with my son, etc. until it got too dark or it was dinner time, can't remember. That night, my son, along with his basketball team, had to be back at his school to help out at a statewide basketball tourney. It was a 7th and 8th grade tourney, but the 5th graders had to clean up the stands after each game. He had to be there at 6:30pm and was there until 9:30pm... I dropped him off and then went shopping (mainly browsing) until about 8:40pm and then helped them out until it was time to leave.

Saturday (4th) it rained most of the day, but my son and I had a lot of work to do on our pinewood derby cars for the upcoming race this upcoming Saturday. My son's car was pretty much all sanded down, but I still had a lot of work to do on mine. Got that all done, then I experimented with axle alignment/placement, got the holes drilled and then we started painting. We put on quite a few coats. I even put on another coat this morning (Monday) and will probably put on another one tonight. Then we'll do some decorating and then put on some layers of clear coat finish to give it a nice shiny look.

My daughter started a slight fever Saturday night and so she kept waking up throughout the night. We didn't get a lot of sleep, so my wife stayed home with her while I took my son to church. She felt better most of the day, so we took her to Sunday night services and she's been fine since.

This is Lutheran School Week at my son's school, so all week they are having special activities. Today, the Fifth Grade class did the Chapel service, so my wife, daughter and I stayed to watch. They did a great job of singing, doing the Scripture readings, doing a message and even taking up the offering. My son got to do the Gospel reading out of the New Testament. On Wednesday, it's Lunch with Parents/Grandparents Day, so my parents are coming to town and we'll all have lunch at the school with my son. They're having turkey and gravy with all the fixin's, so it sounds real good! :-) (Granted, it's still "school food" though... ha!)

Tonight our church is having another skate night at the local skating rink. It's the last one for the year, but they're usually a lot of fun. I guess I'll try the Limbo again, but I always hit the bar (it's not fair that all those little kids win all the time!!!). My main objective is just to not fall down during the evening! :-)


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


My wife's step-brother, who is into financial planning stuff, and who has helped my dad set up some annuities and life insurance policies for us kids, came down to take me out to lunch today. We had a nice visit and caught up on family stuff, plus I had to sign some forms for an annuity. We went to a local Chinese restaurant and it was very good.

My wife took our daughter back to the Dr. today for another checkup to see if this second round of antibiotics has cleared up her urinary tract infection or not. I hope it is. This second round of meds didn't taste as good as the first round, and we had trouble getting our daughter to take it.

I'm still suffering from allergy/sinus junk, but at least I don't have the sinus headache as much today. The past two days, we've had 70+ degree weather, but tonight a cold front is coming through and tomorrow is only going to get into the mid-50's and upper 40's on Friday. No wonder everyone is getting sick with the roller coaster temps.
